Oct 28, 2014

The Evolution of a Smile

Don't you just love that stage of a baby when they actually understand the concept of smiling for pictures? I sure do. 

When Aiden was Ava's age, I had to ask to see his teeth for him to smile at me. For about a year or see after that every time he smiled for pictures, he had this huge teethy grin! It's so cute to look back on now.  

Ava on the other hand has taken to picture-takin' quite well. It might be the fact that I've got a huge phone screen, because she loves to look at her picture after it was taken. Back in the good ol' days I used my phone for calling and my camera for taking pictures. 

This is her "I'm happy and it's bright outside," face. 

This is her, "Oh you're taking a picture... of ME," face. 


I hope y'all have a "cheesy" day!