Mar 2, 2015

Hello March

Courtesy of julochka

Hello March! 

Wow, it's been a while since I've been here. I have been busy like no other. I have overwhelmed like no other. I am learning to take one task at a time, rather than doing a bunch of things at once. Ugh! I am a work in progress, what can I say? But aren't we all? Right when I think, oh I've got this figured out Murphy's Law comes around to show me I don't (insert angry red devil emoticon).

On another note, spring is right around the corner. I am super stoked! This year I am doing a full garden. It has taken a quite of bit of preparation. I am starting most plants from seeds. It's cheaper and fun as well for the kids to see the progress and mother nature as she works! I will put another blog post about it soon with pictures! 

I know that January 1st is usually the day to begin reflecting and making plan of the new year. I have been out of sorts since November! Or at least it feels that way. The holidays whooped my butt this past year. Aiden's birthday is at the end of January so, January was still busy as crap. A few things I have learned:
  • Lists are a must. I am a list-maker. I have a love-hate relationship with lists. To be productive, I must make lists. 
  • Better to do one thing AMAZING than a lot of things half way. This may be common sense to some, but I have a fear of not getting things done, so I try to get them all done at once! Not a good idea. Plus, it's not good for my anal-retentive cleaning. 
  • It's ok to be a little sleep deprived. If I got all of the sleep I needed each day, I would get nothing done. It is a constant battle. To sleep or not to sleep, that is the question. 

I am however out of physical therapy now! That is a very good thing. I am still working on my knee exercises on a daily basis, because my knee isn't fully recovered just yet. I look at it like motivation. I have got to do these exercises to keep my knee strong. Flab be gone! 

Homeschooling Aiden has become easier. We still have our days when I want to pull out my hair but, mostly the days are sunny (figuratively) and productive. 

Ava's terrible twos is in full force! HELP!!!!! 

Say a little prayer for me ;)
